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Application of graphite products in atomic reactors


Graphite products have several important applications in nuclear reactors, primarily in the following areas:

1.Neutron Moderator:

In nuclear reactors, neutron moderators are used to slow down fast neutrons, converting them into thermal neutrons. Thermal neutrons are more likely to induce fission in uranium-235, thereby increasing the efficiency of the reactor. Due to its high purity, low absorption cross-section, and good thermal stability, graphite is an ideal neutron moderator.

2.Structural Material:

The mechanical strength and thermal stability of graphite make it suitable as a structural material in reactors, especially in high-temperature environments. Graphite products can be used to manufacture support structures and other components within the reactor.


Graphite can be used as a reflector to bounce neutrons back into the reactor core, enhancing neutron utilization efficiency. This helps sustain the chain reaction and optimize fuel usage.

4.Heat Conductor:

Graphite has excellent thermal conductivity, which allows it to effectively transfer heat within the reactor, helping maintain uniform temperature and manage heat.

5.Protective Material:

Due to its good high-temperature resistance and low neutron absorption cross-section, graphite can be used as a protective material to shield critical reactor components from high temperatures and radiation damage.

Example Applications

  • Graphite-Moderated Reactors: This type of reactor uses graphite as a moderator. A well-known example is the RBMK reactor, widely used in the former Soviet Union, including the reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  • High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors (HTGR): These reactors use graphite as both a moderator and structural material, allowing them to operate at very high temperatures, thus increasing thermal efficiency and fuel utilization.

These applications of graphite are based on its unique physical and chemical properties, including a high melting point, good thermal conductivity, low neutron absorption cross-section, and chemical inertness. These characteristics make graphite a crucial material in the nuclear energy field, especially in reactor technology.